How to buy stocks: A step-by-step guide for beginners

Independent Financial Research
Investing is easier than it looks. Here we explain the basics of getting started, choosing what to buy, and how to ensure you come out ahead. If you’ve never bought a stock, this practical guide will set you on your way. With the rise of online brokers, investing has never been simpler and you can get started with as little as a few hundred dollars. 1. Preparation The best way to start out is to take it slow. Investing can be highly rewarding – both financially and intellectually – but it also carries risks. Before putting your money to work it's important to do a little reading first. What causes most investors to fail is psychology so you need to be prepared for biases like anchoring, commitment bias, a fear of missing out and confirmation bias, as well as your emotional response when a stock moves against you (as will inevitably be the case from time to time)..... Read full article: (VIEW LINK)

Intelligent Investor is an independent financial research service with a 14-year history of beating the market. Our value investing approach empowers Australians to make more informed decisions to build their long-term wealth. We off structural...
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Intelligent Investor is an independent financial research service with a 14-year history of beating the market. Our value investing approach empowers Australians to make more informed decisions to build their long-term wealth. We off structural...
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