In the last few months our newsletters of Get up and dance (Aug) and The Centre cannot hold (Jul) have built on a theme of Central bank distortion of the free...

Charlie Perkins

Perkins Portfolio Management

In the last few months our newsletters of Get up and dance (Aug) and The Centre cannot hold (Jul) have built on a theme of Central bank distortion of the free markets to the extent that basic fundamentals have taken a back seat. Deliberately pursuing an artificially cheap interest rate policy (and it's resultant FX implications) has the insidious effect of forcing those that require portfolio income to survive to take inappropriate levels of risk in order to achieve that income. With 3 month money below 0.25% in the US for the past few years, many market participants have been forced into the stockmarket in order to chase dividends. Paradoxically, this yield myopia.... (VIEW LINK)

Charlie Perkins
Charlie Perkins
Perkins Portfolio Management

Director and founding shareholder of Perkins Portfolio Management. He has over 15 years experience in professional investment management and has been a full time executive of PPM since inception. He is responsible for portfolio management,...


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