Location Location Location - Kin Mining
Kin Mining listed on the ASX in 2013 with several prospective tenure packages south and east of Leonora. In late 2014 Kin secured the Cardinia Gold Project (CGP) from Navigator Resources Limited and commenced exploration and development activities on the CGP’s Mineral Resources and other additional deposits.
After successful exploration, including a number high grade individual drill results at the Lewis South deposit, Kin completed Mineral Resource estimates based around near surface, oxide and transitional material across a number of deposits. Kin completed a Feasibility Study on project development in October 2017 and commenced construction activities in early 2018.
Following a number of Board and Management changes in early 2018 the Company confirmed a material increase in the projected capital costs and operating costs of the proposed project and the CGP development was suspended. Having placed the development on care and maintenance, Kin completed a full review of the Mineral Resources, Ore Reserves, Capital cost and Operating cost estimates which resulted in an updated Ore Reserve and PFS announced on 30 August 2019.
Kin is now focussed on improving and expanding the Mineral Resources with additional exploration prior to restarting the CGP development.
Since 2019 Kin has completed several significant and strategic exploration programs within and around the CGP. Several new discoveries and considerable extensions of the known deposits have resulted in an increase in the global Mineral Resource Estimate to 1.231Moz with significant remaining potential.
The Leonora–Laverton belt is an active gold mining region and already hosts several long life gold operations that are good neighbours for Kin to operate around.
Kin continues to explore systematically to build the resource available to the CGP with an eye to its development options for the CGP in line with the current trends in gold price, operating costs and techniques.
Kin Mining represents a speculative buy given the exploration and potential gold development opportunity.
Kin holds a large 100% owned project at Cardinia which contains 1.2M oz of Mineral Resource. Historical Mining activities from several successful open pit developments have also produced an additional 300koz of gold production in addition to the existing Mineral Resources. The Cardinia Project area remains lightly explored by modern standards with recent exploration yielding a number of new discoveries and deposit extensions
Kin Mining is a junior exploration company that is attractive for its location, history of management success (a bit of dirt that the late Trevor Dixon secured) and an interesting share registry such as St Barbara which one would expect should take over the company at some stage..!
1 stock mentioned