The crisis Greece had to have

Back in November 1990, just about a generation ago, and in the midst of Australia’s worst recession since the depression of the early 1930s then Treasurer, Paul Keating, made his now famous comment “this is a recession Australia had to have”. The comment was effectively an admission that the highly leveraged, inflationary boom that Australia experienced through the mid-1980s and all the distortions that went with it including headwinds to essential economic reforms needed a recessionary crisis to bring the country to a point where it was possible for the economy to start to grow again. Out of that recession came a springboard for more economic reforms, more productive investment, stronger employment growth and more than two decades free of recession, a record without equal among developed economies. To read the full article click on the (VIEW LINK).

Altair Asset Management (Altair) is a high conviction, active Australian equities manager whose investment philosophy is based on understanding the drivers and impact of change. Altair applies macro thematic research to uncover trends which are...
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Altair Asset Management (Altair) is a high conviction, active Australian equities manager whose investment philosophy is based on understanding the drivers and impact of change. Altair applies macro thematic research to uncover trends which are...
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