Why Aussie property could be in for a period of sustained growth

As part of our annual Alternatives in Focus Series, Livewire sat down with Elanor Investors Group co-head of real estate Michael Baliva.
Ally Selby

Livewire Markets

It's been a difficult three years for the property sector. Who can forget the COVID lockdowns, which saw Australia's major cities shutter into ghost towns? And now, with rising rates, property is once again facing headwinds. 

Yet, workers are fast returning to the office, while KPMG predicts that residential house prices will rise 4.9% over the next nine months and then 9.4% in the year to June 2025. 

Like all asset classes, property prices also exist within a cycle. And like all cycles, there are better and worse times to invest. 

While Elanor Investors Group' co-head of real estate Michael Baliva concedes that it continues to be volatile, he argues that typically, these periods are short-lived before sustained growth comes back. 

"What we're going through at the moment is no different to what we've been through in the past. You always have to take a long-term view," he says. 
"Sometimes we forget that when things are going well. Difficult times will come, cycles do come. They're difficult to plan for, but you've got to anticipate them." 

In this interview, Baliva shares what he is seeing at the coalface, where investors can find the most opportunity and risk within the property sector, what defines a quality real estate investment and some examples within the portfolio. 

Note: This interview was recorded on 18 October 2023. You can watch the video or read an editorialised version below. 

Volatility is normal 

Baliva believes that volatility is normal and part and parcel of the investment cycle. 
"Real estate is a long-term investment. It creates wealth over a long period of time," he says. 

"There'll always be cycles and volatility in periods, but what we see is those cycles and those periods of volatility are relatively short term, maybe two years, and then you see sustained growth coming back. There's always a period of adjustment and re-stability, post-some volatility." 

Recent volatility, as discussed in the introduction to this piece, has really been caused by two factors: COVID-19 and rising interest rates. 

"That appears to be stabilising and that, we believe... will reset a new benchmark for future growth going forward," Baliva said. 

Unlisted property outlook over the next 12 to 24 months 

Baliva argues the outlook differs depending on each sector, but believes there continues to be demand for housing, logistics and medical.  

"Housing as a result of population growth and an undersupply. Logistics because of the proliferation of consumer spending online. And also, medical, with an ageing population as well," he says. 
"There's always going to be continuing underlying demand and income growth coming from those sectors." 

On the other side of that, commercial office assets remain uncertain over the next 12 to 24 months. 

"The level of underlying demand is still playing itself out post-COVID with people working from home," he says. 

That said, there are still opportunities in that space for discerning investors, he adds. Retail property, in comparison, has started to stabilise. 

"In our view, there's a period of stability coming for retail investments," Baliva explains. 

"We see those opportunities where you can actually repurpose real estate, particularly in the area I focus on, in retail, where we look at how we can repurpose retail for alternative uses that have that underlying demand." 

Elanor Investors' investment philosophy 

As Baliva explains, Elanor Investors Group focuses on assets that generate "very strong and stable" income returns, while also looking to achieve capital growth through active asset management. 

"That can be either through repositioning, re-leasing or just generating that income growth as well," Baliva says.  

"It's unlikely with the interest rate environment that you're going to get much capital growth coming from the compression of yields going forward, which has been the case until now, so all capital value will be driven by the ability to generate additional income," he says. 
Quality investments in unlisted real estate typically have good locations, good tenant profiles with long histories and a competitive advantage, he adds. 

"Given where construction costs are at the moment, competition is probably less of an issue nowadays because it's unlikely you'll get a lot of new competing developments," Baliva says.

"Our preference most definitely is to buy existing real estate investments where that competitive advantage will make sure that your income is sustainable through the cycle." 

Once acquiring an asset, the team has an internal model, where it undertakes development, management and leasing in-house. This includes engaging with tenants and clear strategies to ensure the firm delivers its target investment returns for its clients. 

To measure success, the team uses the below metrics. 

  • Income: How is rental growth being achieved? 
  • IRR: Internal rate of return (income growth, capital growth and time).
  • ESG: What social outcomes can these assets have in their communities? 

Elanor is eyeing other investment management businesses

Elanor Investors Group acquired the Challenger Real Estate Investment Management platform in July, which has doubled the firm's investments under management to over $6 billion today. 

"We're pretty comfortable with and happy with the growth that we've been able to achieve recently," Baliva says. 

"We'll continue to focus on the sectors where we have a differentiated capability, which are retail, mixed-use, commercial real estate, healthcare, hotels and tourism and leisure assets."  

The team also has an eye on other real estate fund managers that are struggling in the current economic environment, and are looking to make more acquisitions in the future. 

"We think that's a very active opportunity for us that we are looking at, so we can continue to grow, not organically through acquisitions of additional investments, but through acquiring additional investment management platforms," Baliva says. 

An institutional-grade real estate offering for retail investors

Elanor Investors Group (ASX: ENN) is an ASX-listed funds management business focused on acquiring and unlocking value in real estate assets to deliver superior risk adjusted returns.

The Elanor Property Income Fund (EPIF) is Elanor's first offer to retail investors. Click here to find out more.

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Ally Selby
Deputy Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

Ally Selby is the deputy managing editor at Livewire Markets, joining the team at the end of 2020. She loves all things investing, financial literacy and content creation, having previously worked for the likes of Financial Standard, Pedestrian...

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