Woolworths made a record all-time high and record-closing high on Thursday

Evan Lucas


Woolworths made a record all-time high and record-closing high on Thursday. It also registered its second highest volume trade of the year, double that of 30-day average on no news; 4.97 million shares were traded and option settlement is today, so more will go through. Woodside Petroleum has closed at $40 for the first time since July 2011, as its production report came in ahead of expectations; this puts the Shell overhang as a real possibility. With the corporate actions from the weekend, anything is possible here and Shell could either sell out on-market or to a new major holder. (VIEW LINK)

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Evan Lucas
Chief Market Strategist

Evan has been investing and researching global markets for over a decade. After getting his Masters in Finance, Evan headed to Amsterdam with ABN Amro before moving to the Royal Bank of Scotland. He returned to Australia with RBSMorgans where he...


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