Egaming...the new content, the new King

K2 Asset Management
A structural growth area that has been gathering momentum in recent years is egaming (electronic gaming). Gaming has evolved from traditional arcade-style and console gaming to mobile applications across 4G networks. Technological advancement and high speed internet has allowed gamers to connect to online platforms and compete with other users sitting on the other side of the globe in real time. Gaming hardware and software has improved to enable users to play games on high quality platforms and has given rise to a movie-like game experience. Read the full article: (VIEW LINK)
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Mark is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of K2 Asset Management. He is also the Joint-CIO for the K2 investment funds and focuses on the portfolio management of the Asian equity strategy.

Mark is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of K2 Asset Management. He is also the Joint-CIO for the K2 investment funds and focuses on the portfolio management of the Asian equity strategy.