Following the GFC, central banks across much of the developed world have cut interest rates to historic lows and embarked on various unconventional policies to...

Mark Newman

K2 Asset Management

Following the GFC, central banks across much of the developed world have cut interest rates to historic lows and embarked on various unconventional policies to stimulate growth, including bond purchases (so-called QE). While these policies have enjoyed mixed success in boosting general economic activity, they have succeeded in inflating asset prices. Banks, property companies and housebuilders have been amongst the key beneficiaries. Click here: (VIEW LINK) to see how K2 is benefiting from this trend.

Mark Newman
Mark Newman
Joint Chief Investment Officer
K2 Asset Management

Mark is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of K2 Asset Management. He is also the Joint-CIO for the K2 investment funds and focuses on the portfolio management of the Asian equity strategy.

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