The Biotech Index is up 205% since Jan 2009, after FIVE CONSECUTIVE annual gains of 15%, 14%, 13%, 15%, then 69% last year, as well as 12% so far in 2014

Livewire Equities


The Biotech Index is up 205% since Jan 2009, after FIVE CONSECUTIVE annual gains of 15%, 14%, 13%, 15%, then 69% last year, as well as 12% so far in 2014. The chart is spectacular: (VIEW LINK), and surely has only so much longer to run in this perpendicular ascent? Life science analysts make a good case for why it still has legs, but caution still seems wise. Barrons wrote: While the fundamentals are better than the S&P500, we anticipate that generalists will move away from biotech to other sectors when the macro environment improves. Until then, large-cap biotech will continue to post solid gains, but even large cap valuations are getting stretched. The upshot: We expect further consolidation and volatility but looks like the sector has another leg up, Werber says. [Be] cognizant that valuation is rich already so watch for signs of continued sell off. (VIEW LINK)

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