Trading the ever-diverging paths from the major G10 central banks has been one of the most successful thematics that have played through the markets for the...

Chris Weston


Trading the ever-diverging paths from the major G10 central banks has been one of the most successful thematics that have played through the markets for the last couple of months. But has this trade become long in the tooth? Fundamentally, this divergence doesn't look like disappearing anytime soon. In fact, in the case of Europe it looks like the trade may still be in its infancy. As previously suggested, being short currencies where the central bank is trying to spur inflation (and predominately inflation expectations), while being long currencies in economies where we are likely to see more restrictive policy settings has a been a winner. The concern now is whether these extreme moves are negatively affecting underlying economics. (VIEW LINK)

Chris Weston
Chris Weston
Head of Research

Highly accomplished financial markets professional, with experience at a number of top-tier global institutions on both the buy and sell-side. A natural communicator with a strong ability to analyse macro-economic trends, capital flows and market...

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