Using truths to make better company start up decisions As I fly over Greenland on the way to a glitzy conference to pitch to potential investors on a dreamy...

Daniel Weston

Aimed Capital

Using truths to make better company start up decisions As I fly over Greenland on the way to a glitzy conference to pitch to potential investors on a dreamy beach side resort just out of L.A, I ponder the possible nightmare outcome. Beyond the stereotype of custom suits, shiny shoes, a 5 star location and wrists wearing sparkly over sized watches propping up lavish cocktails - the chance that I find institutional investors who take action and invest within the next six months from meetings held in the next three days is close to zero. That is because these things take time. So it means I need to focus on that truth and ensuring I am continuing to do important things now to guarantee we fit the large institutional investors requirements as soon as they are comfortable to make investment decisions. Being an emerging hedge fund guy coming from an... Read more.... (VIEW LINK)

Daniel Weston
Daniel Weston
Chief Investment Officer
Aimed Capital

Running the Aimed Global Alpha - Macro Hedge Fund. Aussie. Trader. Investor. Coder. Cricketer. Skier. Surfer. Flyer.


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