2 key factors to consider before you buy

Patrick Poke

PLP & A Rich Life

Investing in a good quality company that owns their niche globally makes investors want to punch the skies and scream their successes from the rooftop. But for every good quality company, there are many companies waving red flags waiting for investors to fall into the trap. Avoiding these companies is easier said than done, but according to Ned Bell, Chief Investment Officer at Bell Asset Management, before investing in a company there are two key things every investor needs to be aware of:

  1. The management team
  2. The sustainability of their business plan

In this video, Bell explains what a sustainable franchise means, provides an example of a company that presented red flags early on that the market missed, and he details one company that's well placed for continued growth.

Learn more about Bell Asset Management

Ned believes that a portfolio of very high-quality businesses will deliver above-average returns over the medium to long term. For more information on where he is finding the most compelling opportunities, use the contact form below or visit Bell Asset Management's website.

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1 contributor mentioned

Patrick Poke
Founder & Director
PLP & A Rich Life

Patrick is the founder and director of PLP Finance Media, a content production and strategy consulting agency specialising in investment content and communications. He also writes for A Rich Life. Patrick was a Market Analyst, Editor, Senior...

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