A report asserting that coalmines planned for central Queensland's Galilee Basin may rob bore water, has been certified by farmers

Gavin Wendt


A report asserting that coalmines planned for central Queensland's Galilee Basin may rob bore water, has been certified by farmers. The report has found that if all nine mines planned for the area go ahead, then up to 2 1/2 Sydney Harbours worth of groundwater could be lost as a result of water being pumped out or drained. It claims the loss of 1354 billion litres will put at risk livestock and household supplies from more than 400 bores on properties. It also claims there is a potential risk to the Great Artesian Basin through the impact on the layers that separate the basin from the mines. The Galilee Basin is 400km inland and is generally dry at the best of times, with underground water the main water source in the area.

Gavin Wendt
Gavin Wendt
Founding Director

Gavin has been a senior resources analyst following the mining and energy sectors for the past 25 years, working with Intersuisse and Fat Prophets. He is also the Executive Director, Mining & Metals with Independent Investment Research (IIR).

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