Canaccord: Yowie’s Zoo agreement is “as good as marketing gets”

Livewire Exclusive

Livewire Markets

Yowie Group (ASX:YOW) sells a chocolate confectionery product called a Yowie, primarily into the US market where it has exclusive patent rights. Yowie recently announced a full-scale roll out across the world’s largest retailer, Walmart, which services a staggering 100 million customers each week. Yowie Group is pleased to now announce a new partnership with the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums inaugural ‘Saving Animals From Extinction’ (SAFE) initiative. Yowie will undertake a product-sampling program across the 229 zoos and aquariums in the U.S. over holidays and weekends commencing in August. Canaccord analyst Chris Northwood says the initiative is an exceptional opportunity “In our view this agreement is as good as marketing gets. It is putting the product directly into the hands of the end consumer. We expect this initiative will reduce key barriers to purchase for parents by creating a strong association between Yowie products and intrinsically valuable and educational setting of the SAFE initiative.” To read more about Yowie and these initiatives click the (VIEW LINK)

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