Does all Infrastructure have the power to price?

First Sentier Investors

First Sentier Investors

Pricing power has never been as important for investors with inflation on the rise, but some essential services might be in a better position to raise prices in line with or ahead of inflation than others. Not all industries are created equal.

Understanding how companies operate on the ground in different regions, and to what extent they are appropriately managing their social license in the eyes of regulators and society are important considerations in managing risks and opportunities within infrastructure portfolios.

Find out which companies we believe may be best placed to keep rewarding investors here.

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First Sentier Investors
First Sentier Investors

The word “sentier” means path. We chose a brand name that reflects our long-term commitment to following our own path; to invest responsibly over the long term for the benefit of our clients and the communities in which we invest.

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