Sorting out the "fakers" from the "makers"
The old metrics are out. If you really want to get in on an opportunity you have to look beyond return on capital and cash flows. NovaPort Capital has found a way to exploit "fake it 'til you make it" strategies. But it takes a discerning eye to make sure you don't get caught up in the fake.
"You have to be careful about the difference between valuing a company and understanding the trends of value creation in a company," said Sinclair Currie.
"Brilliant businesses...delivering great value for customers, innovative, driving fantastic margins and return on capital, and growing at a healthy clip as a result" are his targets and he shared with us a few of his favourite stocks.
In this video, Sinclair Currie, principal and co-porfolio manager at NovaPort Capital, takes us through his investment philosophy and how to sort the "fakers" from the "makers".
Want to exploit inefficiencies in the market?
NovaPort Capital focuses on buying ASX-listed small and microcap companies with an improving outlook at a significant discount to valuation. Stay up to date with Sinclair Currie's latest insights by clicking 'follow'.
4 stocks mentioned
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