The next battleground between the heavyweights (Apple, Amazon, and Google) is going to be in your living room

Jay Soloff

Argonath Financial

The next battleground between the heavyweights (Apple, Amazon, and Google) is going to be in your living room. Today, Amazon announced it will be offering a new product, Fire TV - a set-top box for video streaming to TV sets. That means all three companies will have a set-top box product (Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV) along with private company Roku. Between those four, there's clearly intense competition in this space. So why is AMZN jumping into the fray? For one, AMZN is pushing its own original programming, much like Netflix has been doing successfully. More importantly, it's another significant outlet for the company's products. After all, AMZN is a content company above all else. Fire TV will provide yet another avenue for movies, music, and games to be sold. The box will cost $99, same as Apple TV.

4 topics

Jay Soloff
Jay Soloff
Research Analyst
Argonath Financial

I'm an investments analyst for a US-based independent investment research firm. My focus is on economics, options, and all types of stocks, but especially tech, Internet, and renewable energy companies. I have experience as a options market...


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