Are we experiencing a commodity supercycle? | Video podcast
In today's investment webinar, Nucleus Wealth's Chief Strategist David Llewellyn Smith, Head of Investments Damien Klassen, and Head of Advice Tim Fuller investigate the question "Are we experiencing a Commodity Supercycle?"
As the world is tiptoeing its way out of the coronavirus pandemic, the consequent surge in the price of energy, metals and crops is highlighting the strengths of some economies and the vulnerabilities of others.
Rising commodity prices have strategists asking if resurgent demand for raw materials and insufficient supply will create a new commodities supercycle.
Whilst price swings, of course, are as old as business itself, a commodities supercycle is different, however.
On the agenda:
- Why a commodity supercycle is different to regular price swings
- Supply & Demand of commodities
- Cost curves
- Investment implications
Links to various podcast platforms are featured at the bottom right of the player if you wish to listen on your preferred one. View the presentation slides
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Damien runs asset allocation and global stock portfolios for Nucleus Super, Nucleus Ethical and Nucleus Wealth. His 25 year+ career includes Global Quant at Schroders, Strategy at Wilson HTM & co-founder of Aegis.
The information on this blog contains general information and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Damien Klassen is an authorised representative of Nucleus Wealth Management, a Corporate Authorised Representative of Nucleus Advice Pty Ltd - AFSL 515796.
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