ASX 200 bounces! Gold, copper and metals rallies still running hot as brokers update BOQ, EVN, and RIO

Most of the ASX200's gain came from heavyweights Resources and Financials but gold and metals stocks featured highly in the best performers.
Carl Capolingua

Livewire Markets

The S&P/ASX 200 closed 36.5 points higher, up 0.48%.
The S&P/ASX 200 closed 36.5 points higher, up 0.48%.

A welcome but miniscule bounce in the scheme of things today as gains were concentrated in a few big Tech stocks and the stalwart sectors of Resources and Financials.

There are still a few themes running hot despite the recent market correction, though, and we saw nice continuation rallies in several gold, copper, and base metals stocks.

As we enter a mini-reporting season for many mining companies (quarterly activity and cashflow reports) as well as some of the banks, brokers were busy providing updates. We bring you all the major changes to ratings and price targets in our Broker Moves section.

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Carl Capolingua
Content Editor
Livewire Markets

Carl has over 30-years investing experience and has helped investors navigate several bull and bear markets over this time. He is a well respected markets commentator who specialises in how the global macro impacts Australian and US equities. Carl...

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