Does Brexit matter?
It’s a hotly contested topic and one that sparked some strong views at Livewire Live. On one hand Nikki Thomas, Head of Research at Magellan Financial Group, says she likes to deal in probabilities. With polls pointing to a ‘stay’ vote Thomas says investors are better off focusing on other issues. “Does it matter? No, it doesn’t matter. It will matter a little bit for Britain but for global economies it doesn’t matter. Focus on something that matters.” However, Vimal Gor, from BT Investment Management says it matters ‘greatly’ and could have serious ramifications. “If the UK goes then Europe will break up, I think there is no way out… Everyone wants a referendum if the UK breaks. Italy, Sweden – there are so many different countries that would want to vote to leave. I think it brings the whole European experiment into question and that’s a massive big deal for us.” Watch the video below for the full debate.
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