Foreign Takeover of Aussie Banks
In The AFR I review ANZ's decision to belatedly pull-back from Asia (I've been calling for this since 2009); offer hard-hitting new CEO Shayne Elliott gratis advice to ape Macquarie's decision-making and remuneration models; highlight---tongue-in-cheek---the fact that contrary to the popular myth of Aussie banking exceptionalism, 7 of the last 8 major bank CEOs were foreigners; and speculate that perhaps financial markets are getting an overdue bout of China fatigue (Aussie and global equities were smashed 6% to 8% in January on the back of the ~25% draw-down in the Shanghai Composite Index and the plummeting oil price). Read for free here via Twitter (VIEW LINK)
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Chris co-founded Coolabah in 2011, which today runs over $8 billion with a team of 40 executives focussed on generating credit alpha from mispricings across fixed-income markets. In 2019, Chris was selected as one of FE fundinfo’s Top 10 “Alpha Managers” based on his risk-adjusted performance throughout his career across. He previously worked for Goldman Sachs in London and Sydney, the Reserve Bank of Australia, and founded the award‐winning research/investment group, Rismark. He has regularly advised governments, developing unique policy proposals. Chris graduated with the University Medal (Economics & Finance) from Sydney University. He studied in the PhD program at Cambridge University in 2002/03, leaving to set up his funds business.
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