How to manage the market noise

AMP Capital

AMP Capital

We’re going through one of those periods where it seems there is a long list of things for investors to worry about: the US election; the Fed; ever-present fears about a break of the Eurozone; and China. These risks are real and in our view some combination of them could drive a short-term correction in shares, but we don’t see them derailing the longer term rising trend in shares. There seems to be a never-ending worry list which is receiving an ever higher prominence as the information age enables the rapid dissemination of news, opinion, and noise. The danger is that this is making us all worse investors as we lurch from one worry to the next resulting in ever shorter investment horizons. Read more for my five ways to help manage the noise and turn down the worry list. (VIEW LINK)

AMP Capital
AMP Capital
AMP Capital

AMP Capital is one of the world's leading investment houses, with a 160-year pioneering heritage. Our enviable track record in real estate and infrastructure is coupled with deep expertise in fixed income, equities and multi-asset investments.

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