Investment guru Jim Rogers predicted another economic slowdown will hit the world in the next two years as quantitative easing is withdrawn

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Investment guru Jim Rogers predicted another economic slowdown will hit the world in the next two years as quantitative easing is withdrawn. Speaking at a forum last Saturday, Rogers said that the simultaneous monetary easing and currency debasing in all major western economies was unprecedented. He hoped that central markets would end the stimulus and on the effects of a slowdown said America, Europe and Japan, these economies are ten times bigger than China. Even if China is doing everything right, it will still be affected by what's happening in the rest of the world. Despite this, he remains positive on the Chinese yuan saying it was the only currency that can compete and replace the US dollar. Whilst, he is a committed buyer of the Chinese currency, he said the US dollar was flawed and troubled, and thinks investors will gradually move away from the dollar. (VIEW LINK)

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