Picking the right tool for the job

Ratios are shortcuts for understanding value – sometimes they enlighten and sometimes they deceive. At Forager, we apply relevant ratios or mental models to a business in order to understand it better. Different tools for different companies must be used depending on the type of business we are researching. Like a tradesperson selecting the right tools, picking the correct ratio or model is a skill built through experience. Selecting the right tools can be a question of specialisation – many investors specialise in particular areas, but the successful ones stick to what they’re good at. In this featured insight, we talk through a simple example of which tools might be used when valuing a farm verses a medical practice.

Steve Johnson
Founder & Chief Investment Officer

Steve began Forager Funds in 2009, and now manages approximately $400m across two funds. The Forager Australian Shares Fund and Forager International Shares Fund are both unlisted and are available to investors with daily applications and...

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