The Listed Investment Company Showcase

Livewire Exclusive

Livewire Markets

Recently, we had the opportunity to work with the Australian Shareholders Association (ASA) to showcase ideas and strategies from a range of Listed Investment Companies (LICs). 

The idea is to give you access to the managers behind the funds, how they present their value proposition, and for them to share some of the finer details.

We’ve compiled these recordings for you below. Simply scroll down to watch the presentations and click on the links shared under the video to access the presentation slides (please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page).

Magellan: Resilient portfolios through global investing

Stefan Marcionetti, Portfolio Manager, Magellan Global Trust

The Magellan Global Trust invests in a focused portfolio of 15 to 35 of the world’s best global businesses whilst targeting a 4% cash distribution yield. Magellan believes that a portfolio of these outstanding businesses is the best way to attract risk-adjusted returns and minimise risk. 

Access the slides here 


Gryphon: Adding portfolio diversification to your income

Ash Burtenshaw, Portfolio Manager, Gryphon Capital Investments

The Gryphon Capital Income Trust allows retail investors to access a fixed income asset class that generally has only been available to institutional investors. These listings allow retail investors to diversify beyond traditional income assets while maintaining a higher yield.

Access the slides here


Westoz: Finding the best in the West

Dermot Woods, Executive Director, Westoz Funds Management

Following discussion on the current state of and outlook for the Western Australian economy, Dermot Woods will provide an overview of the investment process used by Westoz to select their predominantly WA-based portfolio of stocks, including the investment process and composition.

Access the slides here 


Ellerston: Global smalls - too big to ignore

Bill Pridham, Co-Portfolio Manager, Ellerston Capital

With the rise of Facebook and Amazon, investors are beginning to appreciate the role of global mid and small capitalisation companies within a broader investment portfolio. Bill Pridham, Portfolio Manager, will discuss tomorrow’s big names, which you can invest in today.

Access the slides here


WAM: History and benefits of listed investment companies

Geoff Wilson AO, Chairman & Portfolio Manager, Wilson Asset management

Geoff Wilson AO, Wilson Asset Management founder and Chairman, will discuss the history of LICs in Australia and the unique benefits they can deliver to shareholders.

Access the slides here


Qualitas: Making money from real estate without buying it

Andrew Schwartz, Group Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, Qualitas

Qualitas invests in real estate debt to deliver regular income, backed by secured assets. They will explain real estate debt and how it creates income; why this asset class is growing in Australia. They also discuss the risks, how they're managed, and why now is a good time to invest.

Access the slides here 


Building a LIC portfolio

Peter Rae, Supervisory Analyst, Independent Investment Research

Peter will discuss the current sector themes and demonstrate how investors can use listed investment companies and trusts to build a portfolio, or supplement an existing portfolio. Peter will also provide some pointers on researching LICs, and how to choose those that meet your portfolio's needs.

Access the slides here 


Argo infrastructure - global diversification at a discount

Andy Forster, Senior Investment Officer, Argo

Find out why Argo believes the diversification and growth potential of global infrastructure is far greater than in Australia, particularly with the growing need for infrastructure in developed and developing countries. Argo introduces you to the sector and outlines current themes.

Access the slides here 


Pengana - Australia's first global private equity listed investment trust

Russel Pillemer, Chief Executive Officer, Pengana Capital Group

Pengana Capital Group is working with the US$51bn Chicago-based Grosvenor Capital Management to select investments for the soon to be ASX-listed investment trust. Grosvenor has a long track record and vast experience in seeking to invest with high-quality private equity managers worldwide, having made investments into 650 underlying private market funds and participated in over 200 direct and co-investment opportunities since 1999.

Access the slides here

Cadence Capital: Active investing through cycles

Karl Siegling, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Cadence Capital

History has shown that investment opportunities can be missed in volatile markets. Karl Siegling explains generating alpha by taking advantage of shorter duration trends by scaling into and out of stocks and sectors at different times and phases of the market.

Access the slides here 



The original agenda can be found here. 

Disclaimer: The information contained is general in nature and should not be relied upon. Before making any investment of financial planning decisions, you should consult a licensed professional who can advise you whether the decision is appropriate for you. Contributors to this may have commercial or financial interests in the companies mentioned. 

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