Finding opportunities where others fear to tread

Contrarian investing is not a bad thing.
Clay Smolinski

Platinum Asset Management

Buying a company that sells credit data to banks may seem counterintuitive when fears of a recession are high. But that’s exactly the sort of company that appeals to Platinum’s inquisitive and contrarian investment approach. 

In this video, I discuss the role of macroeconomics in investing and how times of increased uncertainty can create mis-pricings and opportunities.

I'll also talk in-depth about a company that we feel has a better outlook given it's already been through its recession-like period - TransUnion (NYSE: TRU).

TransUnion share price vs S&P 500 over the past year (Source: TradingView)
TransUnion share price vs S&P 500 over the past year (Source: TradingView)

Edited Transcript

There's this question around macroeconomics and the degree you should allow macro affect your investment decisions. And the problem you face as an investor is both the economy and the stock market are large, complex, non-linear systems. So what that means is the same inputs won't always produce the same end results. Forecasting error is high and you can really only work in probabilities when thinking about macro. 

A great example of that today is interest rates. Historically, large increases in interest rates have been accurate predictors of a recession as the higher borrowing cost and tighter availability of credit would eventually weaken activity and lower corporate profits. 

However, interest rates have now been high and in restrictive territory for about 12 months, but the economy remains resilient and employment is strong. So the question is, is it different this time and interest rates are less important, or is it simply the fact that more patience is required for high interest rates to take their toll? 

Now the answer on these big picture questions is: You can't really know. But what is clear is there is a lot more uncertainty around the range of outcomes. So the question is, how do we invest in this more uncertain environment? 

The first thing to remember is that uncertainty often leads to stocks being mis-priced. And these mis-pricings create opportunities. So we want to take advantage of that because even if the economy weakens from here, there are stocks that have already had their recession and there will be companies that continue to grow in spite of the underlying environment. 

So an example of a business today that's already had its recession is TransUnion (NYSE: TRU). TransUnion sells data to banks who use that data to decide firstly, who they want to lend to, and then how to price those loans. TransUnion's stock price fell 50% as high interest rates have seen US mortgage applications fall 70% from their peak. 

And it was this fear around cyclicality that created the opportunity to buy. But from this starting point, the outlook for TransUnion is quite favourable. Demand for its data from new customers outside of the banking industry continues to grow. From a base of down 70%, mortgage applications are probably likely to improve from here. And if rates are cut in response to a weaker economy, this would actually help TransUnion rather than harm them. And it's these type of ideas that can do well in most environments going forward is where we are focusing our investments today.

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Clay Smolinski
Co-Chief Investment Officer
Platinum Asset Management

Graduating as dux of Finance from university and a brief stint as an accountant at Grant Thornton gave Clay the grounding to deconstruct financial statements. Having started as an analyst at Platinum in 2006, Clay went on to manage the Platinum...

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