Fund in Focus: A new tool for Livewire members
We recently conducted a survey asking readers, “What's the biggest challenge you face when it comes to investing?” One common response was: Knowing who to invest with - and why. Learning about funds, and finding out what makes them different, is part of our role at Livewire. It’s often not until you get to meet the managers that you really get to understand their investment edge.
We wanted to replicate this for our readers, so we have launched a new series called “Fund in Focus”.
The idea is to give you access to the managers and hear how they present their value proposition. So far, we have recorded 15 presentations across a range of asset classes including Fixed Income, Global Equities and Australian Equities.
We’ve compiled these recordings for you below. Simply click on the link to launch the presentation (please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page).
Fixed Income
Jamieson Coote Bonds – JCB: Active Bond Fund
Pendal Group: Income and Fixed Interest Funds
Global Equities (long only)
Fidelity International: Asia Fund
Avenir Capital: Avenir Global Fund
Cooper Investors: CI Global Equities Fund
Plato Investment Management: Global Shares Income Fund
Quay Global Investors: Global Listed Property Fund
Global Equities (absolute return and long/short)
Aitken Investment Management: Global High Conviction Fund
Munro Partners: Global Growth Fund
PM Capital: Global Companies Fund
Australian Equities (long only)
Eley Griffiths Group: Emerging Companies Fund
Katana Asset Management: Australian Equity Fund
Wilson Asset Management (Listed Investment Companies)
Australian Equities (absolute return and long/short)
Monash Investors: Absolute Investment Fund
If you’d like to learn more about a fund not listed above, please leave it in the comments below.
Disclaimer: The information contained is general in nature and should not be relied upon. Before making any investment of financial planning decisions, you should consult a licensed professional who can advise you whether the decision is appropriate for you. Contributors to this may have commercial or financial interests in the companies mentioned.